It's Time To Create Real Results In Your Business

Get FREE Access to the Emerging Entrepreneur Masterclass and Discover How to Master Your Decision-Making so You Can Break Through to Your Next Level

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Create Financial Independence, Clarity & Success In Your Life And Business....

The most successful people have ONE thing in common: 

They make QUICK decisions!

How often do you feel yourself stuck in "analysis paralysis"?

Do you find yourself going in circles on your "final" decision?

Are you constantly asking others for their opinion on an issue before you make your own decision?... And then once you've made the decision, do you become full of doubt?...  Asking yourself, "was that the right thing to do?... the right thing to say?"...

Your hesitation, doubt, and fear are costing you money and success in your business and your life.

It's time to breakthrough to success. It's time to EMBODY that CEO energy!

Join me for The Emerging Entrepreneur 1-Day Masterclass where you will:

Break through the mindset that keeps you stuck from moving forward
Develop a clear road map to get where you want to go in business
Learn proven methods for quick and easy decision making

It's time to show up confidently with clarity and conviction!

One of the hardest parts of being an entrepreneur is knowing if you are making the right decisions...

When there is so much information on the internet about how to build a successful business, it can be difficult to decide what is right for you and your business.

That is why I put together this day-long masterclass on optimizing your decision-making so you can make quicker decisions (with confidence) that will lead you to financial independence.

This masterclass is all about how to make a decision without backing out AND how to use your voice and declare the results your want. 

You will leave this series with the steps and mindset needed to Decide & Declare what you want for yourself, your business, and your life so you can finally have clarity and momentum towards having a life of it all!

An Intention Made With Declaration Becomes Unshakable...

Declaration is what fuels the fire of your decisions. How many times have you made a decision or set a goal but you were afraid to tell your peers because that would mean you actually have to make it happen?

What happens if you don't reach your goal and then everyone thinks you're a fraud?  Nope! Better off keeping it to yourself....right?

Wrong! The truth is that there is POWER in Declaration. When you declare your dreams & decisions out loud, you are actually causing them to come to fruition. 

How does it work? That's exactly what you will be learning in my 1-day masterclass.

This masterclass is all about how to make a decision without backing out AND how to use your voice and declare the results you want. 

You will leave this series with the steps and mindset needed to Decide & Declare what you want for yourself, your business, and your life so you can finally have clarity and momentum towards having a life of it all!

Meet Your Masterclass Experts

Mary Grace Yniguez

Owner & CEO of Social Register Network

Becky Lafave

Empowerment & Branding Coach

Nell Wulfhart

Decision Coach

Nikki Nicole

Success Strategist & Digital Marketing Consultant

Tracey Watts Cirino

#1 International Best Selling Author, Speaker & Business Success Strategist

Dr. Tora Brown

Organizational Psychologist & Coach

Join Thousands Of Entrepreneurs Who Have Shifted & Broken Through To Success

"So much fantastic information. How to aquire funding for your business. The ten questions [to ask yourself] to create a business plan. You took out the mystery for those of us that need it without the business jargon. The passion you have for your work is incredible!"

-Sparkle R. 

"Wow...this was so good, I listened to it twice. I see patterns where I have just assumed things were going to work out and they have so I am excited to blindly jump and build the bridge on the way down. Thank you MiShawn for putting these amazing interviews together. You are a blessing."

-Jill S. 

"Thank you so much for doing this series! I've taken the administrative steps to starting my own business doing something I love... The comment about people often quitting just before the miracle comes really resonated with me. Thank you!!."

-Tammy F. 

Not sure if The Emerging Entrepreneur Masterclass is for you? 

Let me ask you...

Do you experience "analysis paralysis" when it comes to making decisions?
Are you unsure what to prioritize in your business because "everything is important"?
Do you second-guess or have doubts about the decisions you make?
Do you have a goal or vision, but you keep missing the mark to get there?
Do you want to PLAY BIG in your life and business but not sure how?
Are you ready to make more money and start embodying that CEO energy?!

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you do not want to miss this series. 

Get ready for powerful breakthroughs and rising up to your next level.

Meet Your Host!

MiShawn Williams

Entrepreneur & ALIVEstylist

I love to see people light up with the acknowledgement of who they truly are and what they are capable of. I'm out to make more of that happen.

Over the years, I have used my certification as a Canfield Success Principles Trainer, Self-Expression & Leadership Program Leader and Fascinate Certified Advisor to lead numerous personal development and leadership programs. I have helped people move beyond self-limiting beliefs and boundaries to truly express themselves as the beautiful, gifted source that they are. 

My archetype is "The Connoisseur", which pairs perfectly with my career in as Managing Director and Founding Wine Ambassador with the Boisset Collection, a direct sales luxury international wine company. I lead a multi-million dollar team of over 600 wine lovers who also "fell" into "sharing wine with others" as a business.  I am a wife and mommy to an adventurous 5-year old and am a contributor to the #1 Amazon Best Seller book and summit, Moms Who Boss Up Post-Pandemic

I am passionate about entrepreneurship, goal-getting, and empowering you to have a life of having it all. 

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